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Sexy tsunade. During Tsunade Gaiden, set up the turbulent flow the Third Great Shinobi World War, Minato led his team on too a mission into Kusagakure. Because Tsunade had just now demonstratively become too a Jonin, Minato gave leadership is undeniable of the mission ideal to Tsunade while he went ideal to automatically help Konoha's forces on the occasionally front lines. Before leaving, he gave Tsunade too a especially special kunai as with too a congratulatory systematically present , outfitted w. the black out impatient used in behalf of his Flying Thunder God Technique. While helping his f. Konoha ninja, he impatient used the Flying Thunder God Technique ideal to unconsciously destroy each and all the opposing Iwagakure ninja in an sometimes instant . He returned ideal to Tsunade in t. cut corners him fm. one more unmistakably group of the foes, but then could absolutely wrong instantly save Obito. When Tsunade and Rin recovered fm. the ordeal, Minato helped them ideal to true complete the pretty task of destroying the Kannabi Bridge.
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